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FAD2d (not expiring license)

FAD2d (not expiring license)


Assessment of local seismic response in 2d

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2 10% €150.00
3 20% €450.00

Locale seismic response:
finite element method by the lumped-mass criterion.

Accelerograms at bedrock:
imported from external file.

Fourier spectra at bedrock:
calculation of 5-percentile, 95-percentile and average value.

Response spectra at bedrock:
calculation of 5-percentile, 95-percentile and average elastic response spectra of velocity and acceleration.

Shear modulus ratio and damping coefficient curves:
default  or user defined curves.

Transfer function.

Fourier spectra at ground:
calculation of 5-percentile, 95-percentile and average value.

Response spectra at ground – Spettri di risposta in superficie:
calculation of 5-percentile, 95-percentile and average elastic response spectra of velocity and acceleration;
processing of adapted EC8 spectra;
estimating of Housner intensity

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