GeoShield (annual license)
₽15,041.95Solid discharge analysis in water channels - ver.1 (english version)
Prof (not expiring license)
₽90,251.68Capacity and settlements of pile groups - ver.3 (english version)
GeoShield (not expiring license)
₽45,125.84Solid discharge analysis in water channels - ver.1 (english version)
QSB2d (annual license)
₽15,041.95Geotechnical analysis of shallow foundations 2D - ver.3 (english version)
InvIdra (annual license)
₽15,041.95Design of hydraulic invariance systems - ver.2 (english version)
QSB2d (not expiring license)
₽90,251.68Geotechnical analysis of shallow foundations 2D - ver.3 (english version)
InvIdra (not expiring license)
₽90,251.68Design of hydraulic invariance systems - ver.2 (english version)
QSB3d (annual license)
₽15,041.95Geotechnical analysis of shallow foundations 3D - ver.3 (english version)
QSB3d (not expiring license)
₽90,251.68Geotechnical analysis of shallow foundations 3D - ver.3 (english version)