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Capacity and settlements of pile groups - ver.3 (english version)

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2 10% €30.00
3 20% €90.00

Vertical capacity of piles by static formulas

Precast piles

Granular soils

Normally consolidated or slighty overconsolidated cohesive soils (O.C.R.<4)

Overconsolidated soils(OCR4)

Cast-in-situ piles

Granular soils or overconsolidated cohesive soils (OCR4)

Normally consolidated or lightly overconsolidated cohesive soils (OCR<4)




Bustamante Doix

Negative skin friction

Efficiency of a pile group

Tension resistance of piles

Vertical pile capacity by dynamic formulas

Pile-load tests

Horizontal modulus of subgrade reaction (Kh)

Buckling verification

Piles subjected to moment and laterally loads

Cohesive soils

Granular soils

Distribution of the loads over the pile group

Corrections to be applied in seismic conditions

Kinematic effects

Inertial effects

Settlements of the pile group

Depth distribution of the loads

Settlement assessment

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