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Program Geo suite (license renewal)
Annual license (renewal)
A single license allows two installation (i.e., on two different computers)
What is a Program Geo annual license?
It is an expiring license which allows to use, for a whole year from its activation, and limitless, our software suite, including the programs listed below. Our license has an annual duration and can be renewed at its deadline.
Its price is surely competitive compared to other offers, 299,00 euro per year a new license, 219,00 euro per year a renewed one.
Moreover, renewing the license, the Customer will always have the last updated software versions and the new programs, yearly developed, will automatically be added to our suite, increasing our offer.
List of the programs included in our annual license:
ADGeo: analysis of pollutant spread in a phreatic aquifer;
ArmaGeo: design of reinforced earth walls;
B-rock: stability analysis of rock slopes;
CPT: processing of cone penetrometric test (Dutch Cone);
CPTu: processing of cone penetrometric test (piezocone);
DB: design of sheet pile walls;
Dreni: design of draining filters, vertical and horizontal drains and draining trenches;
FAD1d:analysis of seismic amplification through 1d numerical method;
GBMuri: design of gabion walls;
GeoAV: groundwater vulnerability assesment by DRASTIC and SINTACS methods;
GeoDigit: processing of inclinometer probe measurements;
GeoHole: down-hole test processing;
GeoHVSR: processing data by Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) technique;
GeoHzero: seismic vulnerability of buildings by F.S.R.(Floor Spectral Ratio) technique;
GeoMASW: processing data by Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) technique;
GeoPiastra: processing of plate-load tests;
GeoReMi: processing data by Refraction Microtremor (Re.Mi.) technique;
GeoSCPTU: seismic cone test processing;
GeoShield: solid discharge analysis in water channels;
GeoStat: processing level curves and clivometric maps;
Green: assessment of critical rainfalls for landslide activation;
InvIdra: design of hydraulic invariance systems;
IPK: calculation procedures for hydrogeology;
KappaGeo: characteristic values of geotechnical parameters ;
Liquef: methods for the analysis of the soil liquefaction in seismic condition;
Lithos3D: processing tridimensional soil models;
LithosII: stratigraphies of drilling boreholes;
Masco2D: 2D simulation of rockfalls;
Mecrocce: calculation methods for rocks mechanics;
Muri: design of retaining walls;
Piena: methods for hydrology;
Piena3d: hydraulic checking of channel sections;
Prof: capacity and settlements of pile groups;
ProteF: processing of safety zones of pumping wells;
QSB2d: geotechnical analysis of shallow foundations;
Analisi geotecnica di fondazioni superficiali.
QSB3d: geotechnical analysis of shallow foundations;
QSBrock2d: geotechnical analysis of shallow foundations on rock;
Analisi geotecnica di fondazioni superficiali su roccia.
R-block: assessment of hazard indices in a rock mass;
SCPT: processing of Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and continuous dynamic probings (DP);
SEVCon: processing Vertical Electric Surveys (V.E.S.);
Sisma: methods for seismic microzonation;
SismaCon: processing of seismic refraction surveys;
Soils: stability analysis of soil slopes.