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GeoHVSR (not expiring license)
Processing data by Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) technique - ver.1 (english version)
Input data:
SAF, Seg2 and ASCII recording.
Processing methods:
theoretical spectrum by Arai e Tokimatsu (2004);
processing of surface waves by propagator matrix method [Thomson(1950) and Haskell (1953), reformulated by Dunkin (1965) and Watson (1970)];
optional genetic algorithm to gain the best fitting curve.
Signal processing – Elaborazione del segnale:
offset removal;
tapered cosine window;
smoothing by Konno & Ohmachi method.
Calculated parameters – Parametri calcolati:
S wave velocity profile and Vseq;
site class after EC8;
Young modulus, edometric modulus, bulk modulus and shear modulus for low strain;
Young modulus and edometric modulus for high strain (Fahey & Carter, 1993);
undrained cohesion (Levesques et al., 2007);
peak angle of internal friction (Uzielli et al., 2013);
Rock Quality Designation (R.Q.D.).